No-Show Policy
The community has a zero tolerance policy for any member who is reported as a no-show for a scheduled interview or booking. If any member does not show for a scheduled interview or booking without proper notice, that member’s account will be subject to review, which could lead to suspension or removal from the platform.
Lateness Policy
Parents and sitters are expected to connect ahead of each interview and booking in order to confirm the exact start and end time. Members of the community are expected to be punctual in order to respect each other’s time. If any member is late to a scheduled interview or booking without proper notice, that member’s account will be subject to review, which could lead to suspension or removal from the platform.
Cancellation Policy
The community understands that life gets busy, and plans are constantly changing. Community members who are unable to make a scheduled interview or booking are expected to cancel through the website or app, which will notify the other member of the cancellation. Excessive cancellations by any member will subject that member’s account to review, which could lead to suspension or removal from the platform.