Is there a way I can search for sitters whose availability matches my needs?
Yes, you can search by availability!
How do I find sitters with confirmed availability?
Sitters with confirmed availability are more likely to appear at the top of search results, since they are generally more active.
The sitter's profile availability doesn't match my search parameters exactly. Why?
Since parents have expressed flexibility in their plans, the search will return sitters with ANY overlapping availability, which could be less than, exactly, or more than the desired availability you're looking for. You can use the calendar on the sitter's profile to see the exact time a sitter is free, or you can message the sitter directly.
Is a sitter 'inactive' if they don't have confirmed availability?
Sitters may still be active on the site and regularly logging in to their account, even if they don’t have confirmed availability. To see if they’re active, you can check their last login on their profile.
Are sitters only available when they say?
Even if a sitter doesn’t appear to be available, you may message them directly at any time to connect and discuss the details of your job.
Are sitters with confirmed availability better and/or vetted?
At this time, there is no difference between sitters who have confirmed availability and those who don’t. Instead, you can see their reviews, badges, and references to gauge the quality of a sitter on our site.
What do I do if there are no sitters available in my area?
Many sitters may be free even if they don’t use the specific availability feature (only ~30% of sitters fill out specific availability). In that case, we recommend doing a general search of sitters in your area, and reaching out to those you think might be a good fit.